Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why has Christina (the coffee girl!) given up coffee???

If you've known me for any length of time, you know my great love for coffee. I love the smell, I love the look, I love the mugs (oh HOW I love the MUGS!), I love the memories it brings to mind each and every time I drink it *sigh*. I have finally decided that on a day to day basis, coffee will not be a part of my daily routine any longer. Here are my reasons, as succinctly as I could put them.

1). Calories & nutrition were definitely a factor. I like my coffee heavy on the cream and sugar. Too much sugar is not good for our body in general and causes us to hang on to and gain fat more so than other macro-nutrients in general. Also, I could be using my calorie allotment for the day on much more beneficial things.

2.) Caffeine (not just coffee per say) is hard on the digestive system and coffee's acidic nature can also be stressful on the digestive system as well. A healthy digestive system or "gut" for short, is vital for overall health and well being. The gut is one of the first lines of defense in our immune system and if our gut isn't healthy, we can't fight off disease well and we can't properly digest and absorb all the good things in the good foods we eat!

3.) Lastly, and it's so hard to admit this part... coffee is mood altering and addictive and when I don't get it at regular intervals, I don't like the cranky, unmotivated, tired person I become. I want my choices and the power of God's Holy Spirit living within me to control my behavior, not some outside substance that I am choosing to consume, knowing that it's my little "cheerleader in a cup" as the comedian Anita Renfroe so eloquently puts it.

I hope that explains it well enough and I admit I will use coffee when in dire need, but as far as it becoming a regular part of my daily routines again, it's so long and farewell, my good coffee friend.

Warmest Regards,


3.5 cups organic whole milk
12 cups of water
1 cup ginger ale

1 cup oatmeal
1 tbsp sugar
2 teas butter

A delicious concoction that I made from leftovers, it involved mushrooms, cheese, tuna salad, leftover pasta & white balsamic vinegar

p90x recovery drink

Baked Ham
Roasted Potatoes
3/4 cup green beans

Approximate Nutritional Breakdown:

1711 Calories
90 g Protein
70 g fat
180g carbs

Approximate calorie burn:

1660 resting metabolic rate
400 avg. from breastfeeding
250 from moderate daily activity
400 from turbofire tone 30 workout

Approximate calorie deficit:

2710 - 1711 = 999 (waaaaaaaa!)

My Thoughts:
I'm on my first day of officially not drinking coffee anymore... it's been rough. Technically I started not drinking coffee when I started getting sick 2 1/2 days ago approximately, but today is my first concerted effort towards not drinking it anymore. I've said many times how I wanted to stop drinking it, and even tried for a day.... lol or less. But this time, I'd like to make it stick. I'm not swearing off it entirely, just on a day to day basis. I'll post more about my reasons why in another post.

I felt good today. I got a headache and started feeling sleep right before dinner time, but I usually feel that way, coffee or no, so I just took some Ibuprofen for the head ache and pressed on. I didn't really *try* very hard as far as what kinds of foods I took in today and that's probably why I didn't do a great job on my protein intake and my carb count was a little higher than I would like it to be. I did manage to get in a good strength building workout this afternoon and it KICKED MY BUTT. Gotta love TurboFire :D


All still recovering, much like the day before - I'll be back in action tomorrow!
