1.5 cups organic whole milk
15 cups of water
1 cup mother's milk nursing tea
1 cup oatmeal
2 tea sugar
2 teas butter
A ginormeous salad with the following ingredients:
4 cups spring mix
5.5oz of an avocado (ok I over did it, but I really wanted the whole thing LOL next time, I only need an ounce or two)
3 ounces of turkey
1 ounce cheddar
3oz carrots chopped
1tbsp balsamic vinegar
1tbsp organic olive oil
p90x recovery drink with one scoop protein powder
Baked Ham
Roasted Potatoes
.5 cup cup green beans
Dessert: EPIC FAIL
6oz of COFFEE (WAAAAAAAA) with a teaspoon of cream and a teaspoon of sugar (ugh, more on this below)
Approximate Nutritional Breakdown:
2289 Calories
159 g Protein
111 g fat
163 g carbs
Approximate calorie burn:
1660 resting metabolic rate
400 avg. from breastfeeding
200 from moderate daily activity
400 from turbofire tone 45ez workout (nothing easy about it!)
Approximate calorie deficit:
2660 - 2289 = 371 - kind of pathetic, but much better than nothing and a whole lot better than a gain!
My Thoughts:
Less avocado next time lol and no coffee! If I had eaten only 2 oz of avocado, it would have been 150 calories less and take out the coffee, it would have been 25 calories less, bringing my deficit rate up to 546 - a much more respectable number. But alas, I ate all that avocado and a lot of ham at dinner lol.
I "caved" and justified having coffee this evening and 6oz in, I decided to quit. It's just not worth it! The calories for one and I caved on my commitment, NOT OKAY! It was hard for me to come on here and admit it, but I had to because I can't lie to you.
Another realization I had today... I hate working out more than 30 - 40 minutes TOPS and I just don't have enough TIME to workout more than that at this stage in my life. So next time, I'll just skip a little portion in the middle of my longer workouts, and vary which parts I skip each time so I don't miss too much overall. A lot of the workouts are about 30-40 minutes so I won't have to do it often.
Warmest Regards,