Monday, December 13, 2010


13 cups of water
1 10 oz cup of coffee with 1tbsp sugar & 4tbsp half and half

1 cup oatmeal
2 tea sugar
2 teas butter
2 whole eggs + 2 egg whites, cooked in 1 tbsp coconut oil

4 slices of turkey lunch meat
3 of those slices had 1tbsp cream cheese
3 oz of organic baby carrots
1 medium naval orange

Coffee :P (listed above)

Easy Mexican Casserole (sooo good!) I went lighter on the cheese than the recipe called for and lighter on the olives as well

Ladies Christmas Dessert for church - 3 peanutbutter kiss cookies (did you know those have 15o calories each?!?) ugh.... so not worth the third cookie.

Approximate Nutritional Breakdown:

1900 Calories
89 g Protein
87 g fat
175 g carbs

Approximate calorie burn:

1650 resting metabolic rate
400 avg. from breastfeeding
150 from moderate daily activity
350 10 minutes HIIT workout in the morning, 25 minutes walk away the pounds in the afternoon

Approximate calorie deficit:

2550 - 1900 = 650 (darn that third cookie!)

My Thoughts:
I really didn't want t exercise today, but I went to my online support group ( I love you guys! ) and asked for a kick in the pants, which I received (thank you again Wendy). I would have loved to have that calorie count say 800 instead of 650 (arg!) but I guess I'll have to settle for that. On to another day!

Warmest Regards,

You Can Journal Too!

You've been thinking that you want to start your own food journal but have no idea HOW to calculate all these calories and nutrition... well here is how I do it *snickers* I use my free account at Yep, it's that easy. They have a huge database of foods and you can add foods as well. After a while you start to get a good handle on how many calories are in any given food, which is helpful when you're on the go, but when I'm home I just input everything I eat, as I eat it. Often, I will put in what I plan on eating later that day, to see exactly how many calories I'll be taking in ahead of time, so I can squeeze in extra exercise or rejoice that I'm right on target for the day. I hope you'll consider utilizing DailyBurn to help you on your journey to health and well being, it's such a useful tool!

Weekly Weight In 12/13/2010

Starting Weight @ December 1st : 168.6lbs

Last week's weight in: 166.5lbs

Today's morning weight was: 165.5lbs

Lost last week: 1lb (every pound matters!)

Goal weight: 135lbs

Deadline: April 25th, 2011

Weekly weight loss to meet my goal: 1.55lbs a week

My Thoughts:
I wasn't as careful with my calories as I *could* have been, but I know that I ate for exactly a 1lb weight loss. I didn't workout for two days in a row during the week due to illness and then 2 days in a row over the weekend so I know I could have worked harder there and increased my calorie burn. I'm shooting for a 750 calorie deficit daily (minus the free day) and lowering my carb intake to about 125g a day instead of 150g. On to this week!

If you've lost weight please let me know so I can celebrate with you! Leave a comment below :D


I didnt' do a great job of tracking my nutrition yesterday, although I'm fairly confident my calorie intake was around 2000, but I did not work out *hides* back to "work" tomorrow!