Saturday, January 22, 2011


Yesterday went really great... until we had our at home date night which included "chubby hubby" ice cream and doritos.... let's just say pregnancy cravings have kicked into overdrive lol

On a positive note, I've been exercising again this past week! I'm shooting for at least 3 days a week of a good intense workout and strength training (M,W,F). I'd *like* to do at least a light cardio workout on the other 3 days and maybe throw in a yoga workout too, but I'd like to focus on the 3 days at week at first and make that a habit before worrying about the rest. I've also decided to take my measurements to kind of track what my body is doing :) since weight really isn't an accurate gauge, particularly now :).

You can see my measurements and current weight HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! Your doing great! Thanks for commenting on my blog :)

