Friday, December 10, 2010


1.5 cups organic whole milk
15 cups of water
1 cup mother's milk nursing tea

1 cup oatmeal
2 tea sugar
2 teas butter

A ginormeous salad with the following ingredients:
4 cups spring mix
5.5oz of an avocado (ok I over did it, but I really wanted the whole thing LOL next time, I only need an ounce or two)
3 ounces of turkey
1 ounce cheddar
3oz carrots chopped
1tbsp balsamic vinegar
1tbsp organic olive oil

p90x recovery drink with one scoop protein powder

Baked Ham
Roasted Potatoes
.5 cup cup green beans

Dessert: EPIC FAIL
6oz of COFFEE (WAAAAAAAA) with a teaspoon of cream and a teaspoon of sugar (ugh, more on this below)

Approximate Nutritional Breakdown:

2289 Calories
159 g Protein
111 g fat
163 g carbs

Approximate calorie burn:

1660 resting metabolic rate
400 avg. from breastfeeding
200 from moderate daily activity
400 from turbofire tone 45ez workout (nothing easy about it!)

Approximate calorie deficit:

2660 - 2289 = 371 - kind of pathetic, but much better than nothing and a whole lot better than a gain!

My Thoughts:
Less avocado next time lol and no coffee! If I had eaten only 2 oz of avocado, it would have been 150 calories less and take out the coffee, it would have been 25 calories less, bringing my deficit rate up to 546 - a much more respectable number. But alas, I ate all that avocado and a lot of ham at dinner lol.

I "caved" and justified having coffee this evening and 6oz in, I decided to quit. It's just not worth it! The calories for one and I caved on my commitment, NOT OKAY! It was hard for me to come on here and admit it, but I had to because I can't lie to you.

Another realization I had today... I hate working out more than 30 - 40 minutes TOPS and I just don't have enough TIME to workout more than that at this stage in my life. So next time, I'll just skip a little portion in the middle of my longer workouts, and vary which parts I skip each time so I don't miss too much overall. A lot of the workouts are about 30-40 minutes so I won't have to do it often.

Warmest Regards,

1 comment:

  1. ONe suggestion that might help you would be to reduce the lettuce/spring mix in your salad and eat only/mostly veggies. It's a lot more filling than lettuce and would enable you to reduce the other things you had in there that were higher in calories. My blog post tomorrow will be about the salads I eat for lunch. When I put avocado on, I usually use only a quarter, and it's plenty. No meats or cheeses, but I add some walnuts for the omega 3s and protein. Anyway, a deficit is a deficit! Good job!
