Friday, January 7, 2011

Where did I go?!? lol

Well, I found out I was pregnant! :D and have been researching and praying about how I need to manage my eating while being pregnant and still breastfeeding an infant. After two weeks of not really tracking my calories, I've concluded that I *WILL* over eat when I am not counting calories because I am just not careful enough. I also am overweight still and for me, during pregnancy, extra weight impacts my health in a negative way. So here is my plan... I am going to consume the amount of calories that I would need for pregnancy, breastfeeding, daily activity and exercise as if I were already at my goal weight, which puts me at a very low 300 calorie a day deficit. This way, I am hoping to actually maintain my current weight number throughout my pregnancy as I did with my last pregnancy (although I was not counting calories that time, just keeping my portions controlled and eating lots of veggies). I started my last pregnancy at 185 and the day I delivered my little guy, I weighed in at 182.

I will generally shoot for 2200-2500 calories per day, depending on if I exercise and I am following these guidelines as best I can for nutrition. I can't fit in all the recommended suggestions, but I will consume 1 quart of raw cows milk a day, consume at least 3 whole eggs and their yolks, I drink a fermented or cultured beverage daily, we eat soaked oatmeal each morning, and I've been striving to fit bone broths into our eating more as well. I'd like to try and fit in the liver because I've found I can stand it prepared certain ways or mixed in to certain foods.

As far as exercise goes, my primary goal is to increase my overall strength, particularly my core, and increase my flexibility. I will also continue to try and fit in some cardio each and every day as it's good for blood circulation, good for the heart, good for delivering oxygen more efficiently to the body & preventing leg cramps (horrible horrible leg cramps!).

Also, for time saving, I will just be recording all my food intake, etc in my dailyburn account which I will link to daily :) instead of copying the whole thing here.

That is all for today, God bless!



  1. Sounds like a great plan. And congrats on starting your pregnancy nearly 20 lbs less than when you had Thomas. yeay! I look forward to following your progress. :)
